Intro: This post will be relatively simple explaining what VR is and how it works. What is VR? Virtual Reality or “VR” as it’s often coined as is a technology where a computer generates a 3D environment or image to create an immersive experience for the user. What is VR used for? The most well-known application for VR is playing video games but less known things VR is used for are... Training Education Healthcare Retail Cybersecurity Where did VR come from? In 1968 Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull created the first VR / AR head-mounted display called the Sword of Damocles. It was connected to a computer and not a camera. It was heavy for any user to wear comfortably and was suspended from the ceiling. (Unlike VR headsets today) Questions about VR: How much does VR cost? High-end VR headsets can cost upward of $1,000 while cheaper ones can cost as little as $10 Is VR and AR the same? Short answer: No. Long answer: AR uses a real-world setting while VR is completely virtu...